This light weight heavy duty pulling harness will last for years. Probably the best nylon pulling harness for police,service,rescue,sport or schutzhund dog.This is a great light weight harness with two extra D-Rings sewn into the sides. It can be used for everything from tracking to carting.It can be adjusted in two places to get a perfect fit for almost any size service dog.
The harness has 3 heavy duty D ring that will last for a lifetime.The 2 inch snap allows the harness to be taken on and off very quickly by the handler using just one hand.Our nylon pulling harness is ideal for carting or pulling trial in wet conditions.
Pearl's nylon harness finally arrived a couple of days ago and I must say it was worth the wait. The quality is magnificent and it fits her like a glove! She's gorgeous and wears it with pride, thank you. I have one suggestion: Tell your customers up front that delivery may take longer than one would normally expect; you may add that Pearl and Lola said, ""the wait time was worth it.""

[5 of 5 Stars]