Natural Leather Dog Collar with plates
I love this collar, however I'd be willing to pay extra for a thicker one, not necessarily for Griz but for some time in the future, if you could offer that as an option.
Grizzly is a rescued dog, he's so large that a 1" collar didn't work or fit right on him. It just SEEMED too small. He's 100 lbs of pure "huntin' dog". He was at a shelter, in horrible condition, coat and skin wise, and had a severe ear infection, but we saw a "diamond in the ruff" so to speak. He's come so far since we got him in May. We think he's beautiful.
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This Collar Is Extra Wide - Almost 1 1/2 Inch - Which Makes It Perfect Tool For Handling Large And Active Breeds
This Leather Collar Is Made With Attractive Plates!!!That Help Bring Out The Beauty Of This Hand Crafted Creation.
 Available In Brown Very Strong and Thick Perfectly Oiled and Selected Leather
This collar is made of very strong, durable and soft leather. No doubled up fillers or machine stitches...which means the edges won't fray! "Functionally fashionable".

- Plates are hand set with rivets.
- Hand set rivets secure the brass buckle and D-ring (for tags and leash.)
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