Dear dog owners, today we are happy to offer you super convenient and useful thing. Do you have beautiful flowers in your backyard and want to prevent the dog from trampling them down? Do you enjoy hunting with your dog and want to tie him when necessary even in the middle of a field? Do you like picnics outside, always take your pet with you and often can’t find the appropriate place to tie him? In all aforementioned situations this Spiral Stake will be irreplaceable! Take this Stake with you when you go on a hike or prepare your dog for tracking activities and you will never want to search for the other tool to tie your pet!
This Stake is equipped with extra strong ring to attach the leash. The swivel allows the dog to move freely and gambol to the full. Note, that everything depends upon the length of the leash. If you choose the length, appropriate for the certain situation, be sure your dog will be safe and won’t spoil your flowers or your perfect mood. The longer the leash is, the less upset your dog will be.
The Stake is made of steel and then covered with nickel. Due to it you may not worry that in time it will corrode. Don’t hesitate to twist the Stake into moist soil. In any case, if you twisted the Stake correctly, your dog won’t be able to run away.
Take a look at spiral tie out stake in 3D
Thank you very much! More power to fordogtrainer. God bless!

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