Masterly Hand Crafted and Handpainted Leather Agitation Harness
Dear Customer, we are happy to welcome you on this page. This Painted with Barbed Wire Leather Agitation Harness is one of the best and most functional harnesses on the world market! Crafted with great love, this harness was manufactured for comfort of Your dog and for pleasure of Your eyes! This harness will fit almost any size dog! Choose the best one among wide range of those.
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Protective Leather Canine Harness for Sharpei Walking and Training
The Secret of Harness.
First, the harnesses were created for sledge pulling dogs as it was necessary to distribute the weight between several dogs, but in latest years this kind of dog training equipment gained its huge popularity. Its secret lies in its reasonable shape. Unlike collars that distribute the pulling force over the dog’s neck (and sometimes can even choke him), the harness embraces the dog’s torso, thus, the dog feels the force on his shoulders but not on the neck. This quality allows you to control your four-feet friend better. By the way, if your dog has any throat or neck problems, the harness is recommended instead of a collar.
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Designer Leather Canine Harness for Attack Work and Daily Walking
Key features of this Agitation Dog Harness: - 100% full grain genuine leather
- extra strong
- increased durability
- 4 ways adjustable
- felt padding on the chest plate and neck straps
- wide chest plate
- wide straps
- easy quick release buckle
- be in control handle
- strong nickel plated steel fittings
- hand painted
| Intended use of this Leather Dog Harness: - walking in style
- obedience training
- off leash training
- safe walking
Sizes available: - Small
- Medium
- Large
- Extra Large
| Available colors: |
Watch how to measure your dog for this Harness / Our Video
What features distinguish this Leather Agitation Harness among lots of others:
- Being made for bite, attack or protection work, this harness is extremely strong. Only 100% full grain genuine leather was used to manufacture this masterwork. When this material is properly treated, it serves for many years!
- Additional durability is achieved by means of edge stitching and several rivets that fix the harness’ parts together.
- Carefully manufactured chest plate has perfect shape and is lined with super soft and thick felt that absorbs the shock of a strong dog hit during attack work.
- This Leather Harness is 4 ways adjustable! You can fix it as much accurate as your dog needs to feel snug and to be well controlled!
- But do not waste your time for every day adjustment! Once adjusted, this harness can be buckled with one click by means of special easy quick release buckle.
- Due to the perfect width of straps and the chest plate, they do not rub your dog’s skin or cut into it.
- This heavy duty agitation harness is valuable tool for agitation work, designed to withstand the rigors of professional K9 duties.
- The hardware is nickel plated. Due to it, it has wonderful silver color and rust & corrosion resistant.
- By the way, the harness is 100% non-toxic and safe! Only natural materials and paints are used. That is why this harness looks amazing and is so indispensable in training and for every day walks.
Check how our products look on the dogs / Pictures from Customers
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Professional and Good-Looking Leather Attack Training Harness for Great Dane and Other Large Breeds
Black Russian Terrier Feels happy Wearing this Attack Training Harness
Best Leather Agitation Harness for Great Danes
Check how this Nylon Dog Vest looks on Rottweiler / our video
William Tran, Maryland, USA
Date added review: 23/01/2021
Hello , I received it yesterday. Thank you very much. I really like it !! It's very pretty.

[5 of 5 Stars]