Natural Leather Dog Collar with plates
Dear Guy,
Well, It's been over a year now, and the collars are still holding up just as strong as ever! They are wonderful, and we couldn't be happier!
I just wanted to tell you that a good friend of mine off of the internet wrote to me the other day and told me that he was on your site ordering something for his new dog, and he saw DAVE and SUZI! He is from Illinois and his name is Fernando. He had no idea that they were on there, and he said he was so excited when he pulled it up and there was DAVE!
I thought it was so cool, and I just wanted to thank you again for using Dave right there on your first page. We are truly proud.
I hope you are doing well, and I'll talk with you again soon.
With kind regards,
Mary Alice
P.S. Here are the kids, still wearing their beautiful leather!
Description |
This Collar Is Extra Wide - Almost 1 1/2 Inch - Which Makes It Perfect Tool For Handling Large And Active Breeds
This Leather Collar Is Made With Attractive Plates!!!That Help Bring Out The Beauty Of This Hand Crafted Creation.
 Available In Brown Very Strong and Thick Perfectly Oiled and Selected Leather
This collar is made of very strong, durable and soft leather. No doubled up fillers or machine stitches...which means the edges won't fray! "Functionally fashionable".

- Plates are hand set with rivets.
- Hand set rivets secure the brass buckle and D-ring (for tags and leash.)
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