1 1/2 inch (40 mm) wide Handcrafted War Leather Dog Collar for Cane Corso
Our online store offers only the top quality materials for dogs. In this category you can find collars for Cane Corsos. We are glad to tell you more about the Hand-Decorated Leather Cane Corso Collar presented on this page. The item is advised to be used for handling. The collar is wide enough to help owners to handle such strong dogs as Cane Corsos. In addition, the collar is comfortable and will not hurt your dog. The decorations of the collar make the item unique and they draw the attention of our customers at once. If you are fascinated by this gear, do not delay and add the collar to your shopping cart!
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Walking Leather Cane Corso Collar with Rust Proof Spikes and Plates
Brass Spikes and Nickel Plates on Durable Walking Leather Cane Corso Collar
Key features of this Cane Corso Collar: - Strong, durable and soft material
- 100% full grain leather
- Old nickel massive plates
- Steel nickel plated buckle and D-ring
- Handcrafted
- Wide
- 3 brass spikes
- Outstanding design
| Intended use of this Cane Corso Collar: - Handling large and active breeds
- Everyday walking
Sizes available: | Available colors: |
In order for the collar to serve you and your Cane Corso for many years, we use only selected greased, soft leather materials. The leather we use will not crack, tear, break or stretch. Do not worry for the collar if your pet pulls too hard. The item can endure the strength and power of your dog. We assure you that the edges will not fray as no doubled up fillers or machine stitches are used. This Leather Collar is made with symmetrical proportional vintage look nickel plates and brass spikes.? It is available in black, brown and tan colors. You are able to choose any of the mentioned colors. Each plate is hand set with two brass rivets. Hand set brass rivets secure the steel nickel plated buckle and D-ring (for tags and leash). The decoration as well as the fittings of this Collar are resistant to rust. It is easier to train, walk or simply dress your Cane Corso with our online store!
Check how our products look on the dogs/ Our Video
Check how our products look on the dogs / Pictures from Customers
Cane Corso Custom Designed Leather Dog Collar
Cenwyn Evans, Caernarfon, UK
Date added review: 25/02/2021
Just recived my dogs collar unbeliveble fantastic quality thank you very much.

[5 of 5 Stars]